My Micah was diagnosed with ADHD in March and we have struggled since then to find a medication that we all can live with! I'll have to admit it has been very difficult. I always thought I had a great handle on parenting... after all Dan and I have read all the books, been to countless seminars, and with our five, have experienced just about everything you can experience with kids.. then along came a headstrong little boy that started walking out of the house and down the subdivision, hung out of windows, colored the dog, and a lot of other things.I knew something wasn't quite right and after a series of interviews and testing, it was done. ADHD.
I have to say that the Lord has used this is my life to remind me that our lives need to be completely surrendered and dependent on Him. I have to be honest and say that there have been times I would've liked to have gotten in my van and driven far, far away... but there has always been that strong peaceful sense that the Lord was telling me to endure and to lean on Him... oh how very hard that is to do at times when you just want to be mad. "Lord, why did you give this to my son?" Why him? Why us?
I was having a rough day trying to homeschool with him a few weeks ago, when some friends who have sons with ADHD gave me some suggestions during our school day and I talked to the pediatrician again and they changed his dosage. It has been a better week, with a few minor kinks.. but all in all, good! I'm so thankful for my precious boy, what he means to me, and that God is using him to strengthen my faith! God is so good. My friends told me to try to focus on his positives. He loves to build things so here are some pics of him during our school day.. he was very proud of himself.