Monday, March 15, 2010

Another Day.. Another Birthday!

I'm not a big birthday gal! I go all out for my children, always have, but not so much for me. I've never had a surprise party, or a big get-together, although... that would be nice. *hint!!
This year for my birthday, my sister in law, Maribeth, was getting married. Dan was doing the ceremony, of course, so my birthday consisted of getting school done, packing up five children (Note. I don't pack for Dan) and traveling to Southern Illinois. Packing for a wedding isn't easy and even harder with kids. Making sure I had church shoes, socks, shirts, suits, dresses, jewelry and hair accessories took my whole day! The afternoon was eventful, packing the car and a three hour drive in the middle of nowhere, literally, followed by a wedding rehearsal, dinner, checking into the hotel, swimming and finally in our rooms at 10 pm. No cake, no singing, no presents, no fancy restaurant... but a sweet husband coming in the hotel room with a box of Hulk cupcakes and a personal cake just for me. Micah had given me his Puzzle's Fun Dome invitation to someone else's party. It wasn't anything to write about, but just me and my family! As I get older and birthdays start to remind me of my morality, I am also reminded of the sweet blessings in my life and that I'm allowed to live a little longer to enjoy them!


Sojourning Mom said...

Happy Birthday :) Your family is BEAUTIFUL!

Sojourning Mom said...

Happy Birthday :) Your family is BEAUTIFUL!